Doxie Doodle here, your Surf Dog Diaries reporter, blogging to you from the vet's office. With my big bro/BFF.
Doxie Doodle and my dog bro Elvis at the vet last night. Elvis has a skin cancer on his abdomen and has a ton of other stuff going on.
This is my worried look - we're all scared about how senior surfer Elvis, my best friend in all the world, is doing. He's 95 and falling apart. Skin cancer, a bad back, a sore neck, a bad elbow and some more personal stuff I won't share cuz he's my best friend.
So, I know this looks weird. Maybe it even feels weird - doggie acupuncture. But when your best bud hurts, you'll do anything to help him. Unfortunately, acupuncture didn't work. It helps a lot of other dogs and people. See all those little red and blue needles? He didn't even feel them going in. This is Elvis, working on his chi.
Dr. Laura - BTW, not the human doc you saw on TV - the amazing dog doc in Hood River, OR
So, I thought I'd go first with the vet today, so Elvis didn't feel pressured. We're all really worried about him. Maybe we were stalling.
Anyway, Dr. Laura looked deep into my eyes.... and what can I say? She's a keeper. Smart, funny. Sensitive. I'm in love. And she loves dogs. Check her out, she's the head vet at Tucker Road Animal Hospital in Hood River- the most caring country vets a guy could ask for. I say "country" cuz it's cool. More personal. Compassionate. Where you're not just patients, you're family.
Now, it was Elvis' turn. I assisted Dr. Laura with the exam. She checked his reflexes, his joints, his mouth, his heart, his eyes, ears and lungs. "His ticker is amazing," she said. I could have told you that. Elvis is a big-hearted guy. And she checked his skin cancer and then some other stuff that's too personal to talk about.
And while mom and I had our hearts in our throats the entire time..... and we waited to hear the verdict.... Dr. Laura said he's fine, he's just really old. That all of his "stuff" is a normal part of getting old. With 7 years for every 1 human year, life is short - no time to waste!
Elvis needs a little light surgery later, but otherwise, she was pleased with how he is doing - that is, for a geezer. Thank you, dog God. We slept great last night, the first time in a while.
The Surf Dog Diaries editorial team - me on the left, Elvis (of course) in the center and Dude on the right, letting the neighbors hear the good news.
We had this HUGE, emotional, ecstatic, ridiculous, friggin' amazing reunion when he got home (as only dogs can,) and again this morning when we woke up. Hooray!! Barroooooooo!!! Cowabunga!!!!!!
Of course, Elvis won't likely be surfing again, but that hardly seems relevant. Dude and I will have to pick up more of the surfing slack - tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.