My pack leader Sophie takes good care of me every day, getting those nose and eye boogers I can't get to. I try to do it to my DogDad, as a mark of my love.
Read MoreWise old basset hound thoughts by Elvis
As I look back and think about what stands out most on the ride of life….
...about what gave me hope that dogs and people will continue to evolve as a species - into one caring community across the world....
... taking better care of each other and our wild kingdom...
...about where I put my energy and tried to make a difference…
It’s in listening to my nose, trusting my gut, simply doing - not overthinking.
It’s in showing basset hound solidarity.
Showing up, for life, for each other - in being present and steady and trusted.
Occasionally offering profound thoughts and guidance, via loving looks and long, please stop that stares - to my human, who flaps around on a meteoric shift from high to low, with wild racing thoughts that sometimes conflict and who talks waaaay too much.
Frankly, it’s a good thing I can tune her out sometimes. Now of course, I say that with love in my heart. She’s only human.
Bassets don’t work that way. We don’t drag around rambling thoughts that have no beginning or end.
Eat. Play. Pee.
We begin and end our days the same. We sleep, crap, sniff, snuggle. Eat. Play. Pee. We sprawl on the sofa. We don't multitask. We don’t over dramatize like primates and people do.
That’s where I think I’ve helped – in rescuing my mom - supporting her with my strong male presence - a loving, solid base of unquestioning support. I am always there – grounded, profounder - in an ungrounded world - that flaps around on a meteoric shift from high to low. Mom welcomed me into her jagged but purposeful life.
The least I can do is give back - sound basset hound advice.
I know my dog bros Dude and Doodle feel the same way.
If you're a rescue dog yourself, you know how much they need us.
Meeting kids at parades and on dog walks - you look right into their eyes (in our case, eye level, from a surfboard viewpoint) - and you see all that puppy energy in there, so much love and wonder - I hope they never lose that.
Don't grow up. Ever. Period.
Just showing up - being present – that’s what it’s all about.
Sharing the ride of life.
I don’t get hung up on the what ifs, where-to’s and whereas's. You shouldn’t either.
Love ya,
Thoughts from heaven, Surf Dog Diaries
Ode to Elvis. My oldest dog son. My surf basset. King of Windsurfing.
Elvis was a super sweet and super slow basset hound low rider. He got over his fear of water and became a surf dog. A surf basset, even! One in a million.
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