Dog Diary

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Snowmeggadon: will it never end? Yard art speaks out

Yes, that's ice on our steps. Tiki dude and me, Rusty, recycled toaster dog, at the home office of Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,


Dear Dog Diary:

Recycle dog Rusty here.

In a former life, I was a toaster. You know how Oregonians are - all green and sustainable....

Tiki Dude and I are surfing, or should I say, suffering snow in the yard.

Just so you know what we’ve been through, here are a few pix before, during, and now.

It’s Snowmeggadon - the biggest winter in decades.

The worst since our Surf Dog Diaries family moved from SoCal to the Columbia River Gorge 10 years ago.

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,

We’re standing guard for the Surf Dog home office these days.

Kinda sad - fewer mammals around – just a girl and a dog and a cat. She’s out shoveling snow and scraping the roof – it’s too much work, if you ask me.

I think they’re all grousing around and mourning. They recently lost two geezer dogs. One, just a week ago, was surfing the yard. The other gave up in May.  Dude and Elvis – twin bassets of different mothers.

Recycled, aka rescue dogs.

Now recycled again - surfing waves in the sky.

Tia and Doodle, author animals, mourning, not authoring. Photo (c) Barb Ayers,

So Tiki Dude and I thought we’d pitch in.

I’m trying my best here to be cheerful but Tiki’s smile is a little scowly lately.

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,

He’s trying to keep a stiff upper lip.

Here’s my happy ear flap up - crumb tray out look….

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,

Would you believe – I have a defrost button!?!

We checked on surfboard dude in the driveway and here’s what he had to say…

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,











And the BBQ boyz?

They’re pretty silent, too.

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,






Momma quail yard art is almost visible again. Her kids, still under snow.

Thankfully, our actual quail neighbors still commute through the yard – not really interested in quail art.


And prayer flags?

They’re the only constant - they flitter and float. A little more lively than the rest of us. Of course, a roof overhead can’t hurt. Then again, they are hanging with icicles.

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,

Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,

Here are the neighbors' cars.

Yard art, too.


Photo: (c) Barb Ayers,





Frankly, Diary, it 's been ruff on all of us. We’re all family - all hanging together. 

Trying to recycle our hearts and our smiles. To begin again.

I guess that's why they call it the ride. 

The ride of life with a dog.  

The Surf Dog Diaries.

