Dog Diary

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Many faces of doxie Doodle when the leash goes on - denial, disbelief, grief, acceptance, car is moving, doxie freak and dignified postcard face

This is my we are in the car - the leash is on.... PLEASE can we go play? face. Hyper vigilant. Ready to pounce outside when mom isn't looking.
Fear. Disbelief. Concern this is merely a trip to Home Depot.
Losing trust. Grief. Nearing defiance. Paw up and pointing - just in case.
Car is moving face! Hoo- dee- hoooooooo!  Life begins again! Adventure awaits!
WE ARE ON THE TRAIL!! trot, tail and face. 
Fresh air - big smells - lizards and birds - my shadow and I
Speechless. Pointing due east. Deep doxie thoughts.
NOT speechless. Not deep. Freak dinky doxie moment.
Dignified postcard dog face over the Columbia Gorge suitable for sharing publicly.